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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Periscope feeds to automatically play within Twitter

Twitter users will now be able to watch Periscope live streams straight from their feeds.
Starting on Tuesday, video cards will automatically play within Twitter's iOS app for iPhone and iPad. Tapping on this card will allow users to see the stream full screen, including comments and hearts from others -- although hearting or commenting on the stream will still have to be done within the Periscope app. 
In a Medium post, Periscope describe the new feature as adding "a whole new dimension to Twitter". 
"For broadcasters, this means you can reach the massive Twitter audience. And for everyone on Twitter, there’s now a richer experience in your home timeline, search results, and on anyone’s profile who’s shared a Periscope," it said.

Periscope CEO and co-founder Kayvon Beykpour describedthe integration as "offering a new way to experience the world".
Periscope has been widely seen as failing to replicate the success of fellow Twitter-owned video app Vine, which has a relatively vibrant community both within Twitter and as a standalone community. Conversely, big Periscope hits such as the #DrummondPuddleWatch, which saw more than 500,000 people watching a livestream of a puddle, have been few and far between. Periscope reached 10 million users back in August and claimed to have 1.9million daily users -- far fewer than Vine, with 200 million monthly users, and Snapchat, which has over 100 million daily users. 
The feature will roll out over the next few days on iOS, with Periscope promising to "roll out these features on all platforms as soon as they're ready". 


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