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Monday, January 18, 2016

Astronaut snaps selfie during historic spacewalk

Tim Peake is shaping up to be a bit of a folk hero in the UK. The European Space Agency astronaut is currently on board the International Space Station, zipping around Earth in orbit. On Friday, Peake went out on a spacewalk along with NASA astronaut Tim Kopra on a mission to repair a power unit outside the station. Peake took a selfie to commemorate the event.
Peake is the first British ESA astronaut on the ISS and the first astronaut to wear a British flag during a spacewalk. The flag patch was attached to the left shoulder of his spacesuit.Astronaut Michael Foale was born in Britain and conducted a spacewalk back in 1995, but did so under the US flag as a NASA astronaut.
The close-up selfie shows Peake's shoulders and helmet with the blackness of space behind him. The Earth is reflected as a blue globe in his visor. But that's not all. Take a close look and you will see part of the station, Peake's hands, the camera and his fellow astronaut Kopra in the distance. That's quite a lot to pack into a selfie.
Tim Peake spacewalk selfie


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